- Update my and marios ex 4 score's 1,429,794 -- LorenzoRedfield92?
- marios & lorenz new ex4 duo 1,433,980 --
- my and marios new ex 4 duo:1,442k --
- marios92 ex4 thanks.。。 -- (ry?
- the new wr is just amazing :o --
- 145とれて嬉しかったんでランキングにのせてみました 編集これであってるかな? 不安だ -- gurimo?
- 合ってますよ -- _ノ乙(、ン、)_?
- ありがとうございます。 -- gurimo?
- didn't kama & someone get 1503k in duo? why is it not updated?
- now i see why, congrats on 1525k --
- ex4 duo score: 1,500,018 players: gurimo & Kojirou characters: Chris (Pilot) & Chris (Pilot) loadouts: Krauser's & Krauser's skills: FB, TB, L7 & TECH, TB, FB combo: N/A http://alphawiki.net/bhm3ds/index.php?plugin=attach&pcmd=open&file=120817_005916.jpg&refer=%A5%B9%A5%B3%A5%A2%A5%E9%A5%F3%A5%AD%A5%F3%A5%B0EX-4
-- Goblin 6?
- new WR is fake!!! Got all this WR's too easly... shark & IV cheaters --
- I don't know what you mean...Are you OK? --
- ローレンズマジでクズだな --
- Hey Lorenz. You are defeat. This is truth. --
- if i may say my opinion about this? IV & Shark are very good players but ex7 is very strange i am suspicious now because of that, could they just film their scores so i can update the lb correctly? -- Artho?
- いいスコアだしてUPしたらなんで疑われるんだ?それに日本語で書き込んでくれよ --
- それにEX7のスコア今関係あるか?Arthoさんよー。 --
- こんだけ揉めるならもうUPしたくなくなるよね --
- there was competition between the best Merc 3D players (Leewu, marios92, kamakiri, akunin, kaniniku ecc.) and sometimes to no avail, now 2 players apprears from void and take all. it is certainly cheaters, shame on you! you bothered that the Italians had all wr's. Shame! POINT --
- 何これ・・・たかがゲームだろw --
- 誹謗中傷がひどかったので削除しました。イタリア語?だったからあの人ですかね・・・ --