Hi, I am marios92, this is the link of photo in 5-1SOLO^^ -- 2012-01-19 (木) 17:09:03
Isn't it better to delete the record without a photograph? It is unfair. -- [[ Chris U.S.A]] 2012-01-20 (金) 09:14:47
Great. > marios92. I also watched your videos. / to Chris, Perhaps, marios92 didn't know how to list up own high score in this site. That's all. -- Lesident evil 6?2012-01-20 (金) 11:14:52
to marios92, if you can, would you tell us with which skills you got these scores? We want to know that. -- Lesident evil 6?2012-01-20 (金) 13:01:05
if you don't know the name in English, you can only mention about the effects of skills shortenly. -- Lesident evil 6?2012-01-20 (金) 13:04:26